############## Digi EtherLite ############## Building: * Fetch srpm. Install with ``rpm -ivv`` :: cd /root/rpmbuild/SPECS rpmbuild -bb dgrp-1.9.spec rpm --install RPMS/x86_64/dgrp-1.9-30.x86_64.rpm Cabling ------- XREF ftp://ftp1.digi.com/support/cabling/90000253_E.pdf For a standard RJ-45 to D-shell converter, the RJ-45 side enumerates onto colors as :: Blue(1) Orange(2) Black(3) Red(4) Green(5) Yellow(6) Brown(7) White(8) On Digi devices, these are labeled as :: RTS(1) DSR(2) DCD(3) RXD(4) TXD(5) GND(6) DTR(7) CTS(8) To make a female DE-9 connector for mating with a standard PC, its pinout is :: DCD(1) RXD TXD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS RI(9) Notice that there is no analog for ring indicator in the EtherLite, so we can't bring that across. In any case, the mating pins are :: DCD TXD RXD DSR GND DTR CTS RTS RI (The Digi manual has a bizarre thing going on with DCD and DTR; it suggests shorting pins 1 and 6 of the DE-9 and leaving DSR (pin 2 of the RJ45) unconnected.) Our final wiring schematic, ignoring the Digi funniness above, is, staring FORWARD INTO THE DEVICE, that is, with the colored wires facing you, :: Black(DCD) Green(TXD) Red(RXD) Orange(DSR) Yellow(GND) Brown(DTR) White(CTS) Blue(RTS) N/C Alternatively, with the Digi funniness it's the less useful :: Brown(DTR) Green(TXD) Red(RXD) Black(DCD) Yellow(GND) Brown(DTR) White(CTS) Blue(RTS) N/C For DB-25M connections (A-side; if that doesn't mean anything to you, ignore it), the pinout to color guide is ============ =================== DB-25 Pin RJ-45 Pin and Color ============ =================== 2 (TXD) 5 (Green) 3 (RXD) 4 (Red) 4 (RTS) 1 (Blue) 5 (CTS) 8 (White) 6 (DSR) 2 (Orange) 7 (GND) 6 (Yellow) 8 (DCD) 3 (Black) 20 (DTR) 7 (Brown) ============ =================== Unfortunately, it looks like some of our serial converters ended up wired thusly:: Yellow Green Red Orange Black Brown White Blue N/C To compensate, rather than using straight-thru ethernet cables, crimp ones which are straight-through, except swap pins 3 and 6. This is even sort of convenient since those pins are on one twisted pair in standard Ethernet pinouts. Or just fix the connectors so we don't end up with a pile of miswired Ethernet cables. Some random musings ------------------- ========= ====== =========== RJ45 DIGI SERIAL RJ45 SERIAL ========= ====== =========== 1 WO RTS 8 Br 2 O DSR 2 O 3 WG DCD 4 Bl 4 Bl RXD 3 WG 5 WBl TXD 6 G 6 G GND 5 WBl 7 WBr DTR 7 WBr 8 Br CTS 1 WO ========= ====== =========== Equivalently, that means the "serial" end is: Br O Bl WG G WBl WBr WO APC MasterSwitch ---------------- APC MasterSwitch uses a custom pinout. When making an adapter for one of those for use with a straight-thru ethernet cable, the pinout is, FORWARD INTO THE DEVICE, that is, with the colored wires facing you, :: NC NC NC NC Red(RXD) Green(TXD) Black NC NC NC